Thursday, September 17, 2009


Welcome to OHS and to Grade 9 English!
This course is intended to “help students to develop language fluency not only in the school setting, but in their lives in the wider world” and to contribute towards achievement. Some of the things students will be expected to do during this course are speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on thoughts, ideas effectively, respond personally and critically, select, read and view with understanding, as well as use writing and other forms of representing. We will be covering many different units throughout the year including reading comprehension, essay writing, poetry, short stories, grammar etc.
Like most classes, assessment and evaluation are based on the usual: quizzes, writing assignments, presentations, independent work, and test/exams. Since instructional time is vital to a successful year, a portion of the grade is based on attendance, preparedness, participation, homework and behaviour. This is designed to encourage students to “put their best foot forward.” Keep in mind that students are required to keep their work up-to-date. If they miss time, it is their responsibility to get the notes/work they missed from another student in the class. Late assignments will be penalized.
Extra help is available at noon hours. Each student must make prior arrangements with the teacher beforehand. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the school via email or telephone. I look forward to working with each and every student and with the parent/guardian support!

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