Monday, September 28, 2009


We are nearing the end of the month and will soon be finished essay writing. We will be finishing the editing processs this week, including peer editing. All of you should be familiar with the process involved in essay writing, as well as the different genre. We will be starting a novel study next month, but will continue to learning about reading comprehension and the write traits.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Helpful website

Here is a website that I found which concentrates on reading comprehension. If you want to practice or get some extra help it is great. Visit

Monday, September 21, 2009

Extra Help

I am available for extra help during the noon hour. Please let me know a day in advance so I can schedule you in. If you miss class work you are responsible to get caught up. If you are missing on the day of an assignment, test or quiz, it is your responsibility to sign up for a time to complete the work. If you are missing on the day that work is due, you should make arrangemnts to get your work to school and passed in on time. If this can not be arranged you should email me ASAP. I am here to help you, so please ask if you need me!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Writing template

Writing Process Template
Topic Sentence: This is a general statement that expresses the main idea/topic of your paragraph, and that the other sentences support or explain. The topic sentence has two main parts: the subject-- what the paragraph is about, and the focus-- what the paragraph is going to say about the subject.
Ex. Personal computers (subject) have improved our lives tremendously (focus).
Supporting sentence #1: This is where you give your first supporting fact, detail, and/or example.
Ex. First, computers have made it easier for students to complete homework and projects using different software applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Supporting sentence #2: This is where you give your second supporting fact, detail, and/or example.
Ex. Second, people can communicate faster with friends and family using Outlook Express for E-mail or Instant Messenger software.
Supporting sentence #3: This is where you give your third supporting fact, detail, and/or example.
Ex. Finally, business people can get more work done, because they can use a computer from home, on a plane, or any other location.
Concluding sentence: The closing sentence restates the main idea of your paragraph.
Ex. As a result, computers have made our lives easier.

Sources: Harris, Jeanette and Ann Moseley. "Expressing Main Ideas as Topic Sentences."

CONTEXTS: WRITING AND READING. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1989: 46.

Essay writing

We started writing our first essay. The topic is 9/11. Everyone is suppose to be researching the topic and making sure they fully understand it before they begin. This was assigned as homework and should have been done by Wednesday. We have finished our bainstorming and have filled in a template to help us plan. An example of the brainstorming web is displayed to the right and can be found at
Most students should now have their essay in paragraph form. We will begin editing of each trait starting on Monday Sept. 21st.
If you need extra help please come and see me.

Write Traits

The 6 + 1 Writing Traits are used in school to help improve on student writiing. We will be using these traits in our class all year. Is you need any help to further understand them please visit one of the following sites. Happy writing!


Welcome to OHS and to Grade 9 English!
This course is intended to “help students to develop language fluency not only in the school setting, but in their lives in the wider world” and to contribute towards achievement. Some of the things students will be expected to do during this course are speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on thoughts, ideas effectively, respond personally and critically, select, read and view with understanding, as well as use writing and other forms of representing. We will be covering many different units throughout the year including reading comprehension, essay writing, poetry, short stories, grammar etc.
Like most classes, assessment and evaluation are based on the usual: quizzes, writing assignments, presentations, independent work, and test/exams. Since instructional time is vital to a successful year, a portion of the grade is based on attendance, preparedness, participation, homework and behaviour. This is designed to encourage students to “put their best foot forward.” Keep in mind that students are required to keep their work up-to-date. If they miss time, it is their responsibility to get the notes/work they missed from another student in the class. Late assignments will be penalized.
Extra help is available at noon hours. Each student must make prior arrangements with the teacher beforehand. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the school via email or telephone. I look forward to working with each and every student and with the parent/guardian support!